Webster Park - Rochester Senior Portrait Session | Sydney
Is this year flying by or is it just me?!!! I can’t believe it’s already August… which means I only have a couple more months of senior portrait sessions! August is jam packed with all sorts of sessions and I’m so happy many are some high school senior portraits. Sydney was my first senior of the year and the reason she is so special to me is she’s also the younger sister of one of my past seniors (and I’m sorry I kept calling you Lexi…. I’m awful lol). I met Sydney years ago and seeing her all grown up just blew my mind!!! We met at Webster Park and took some beautiful pictures together. I hope you have a great senior year and I can’t wait to see what college you select!!!
If you still need to book a senior portrait session, I have a couple of dates left in September/early October!! CONTACT me now to get on my calendar before nothings is left!!!