St. John Fisher College - Rochester Senior Portrait Session | Kennedy
A couple weeks ago, I met with my best friend's younger sister to photograph some COLLEGE senior portraits. Kennedy graduated from St. John Fisher, along with her boyfriend, Jack, who you will see in a few of the pictures. I was in Boston for my own brother's college graduation the day of her graduation so we decided to meet a few days after to take some photos around campus. It ended up working out much better because it was looking like a ghost town with everyone home for the summer. Kennedy and Jack met at the Salerno building, so it was important to take a couple shots of them in front of this sentimental spot. I had so much fun walking around with you both and hopefully I'll be taking more photos of you guys in the future!!!! Congratulations Kennedy + Jack and the rest of St. John Fisher's Class of 2018.
Now booking senior portrait sessions for the Class of 2019!!! Taking very limited spots so be sure to get on the calendar before I'm all booked up!!!