Green Lakes State Park - Central NY Engagement Session | Vinny + Brittany


Since the beginning of this year I knew October was going to be my busiest month of sessions and weddings. I can’t believe I’m almost fully booked for 2019!! One of my couples for next year are these two, Vinny + Brittany!!! Vinny proposed to Brittany this past summer at the very location we met to take their engagement photos, Green Lakes State Park. It was my first time exploring this state park and it was pretty incredible!!! As we walked around, they told me about their story and how the wedding planning was going so far. About in the middle of the session, we finally reached the spot where the proposal happened and of course, we had to stop and take a bunch on pictures. At the end of the session Brittany wanted to incorporate a hobby she loves doing with her future hubby, AcroYoga! I had such a great time with you both and I’m so excited to see you again in a little over a year. Congratulations Vinny + Brittany!!!