Gosnell Big Woods Preserve - Rochester Family Session | Musclow
It’s been a super crazy past few days. I traveled out of state for two elopements and my laptop was giving me all of the issues with a massive update that took way too long. I’m hoping everything is back to normal now because I have so much to do on my to-do list and of course I’m leaving again soon for another out of state wedding so I’m pretty stressed out right now. I know I’m only one person and I can only do so much so I appreciate that all of you are so understanding and aren’t bugging me for anything. Just know I’m working extremely hard to catch up and I can’t wait to share these galleries with you. I ended up doing another little mini session at a different location since the sunflowers died pretty fast with the hot and dry weather. I love this location so much and was so happy to see some familiar faces. The Musclow family decided to do photos of just their kiddos this time and I just love these two and their silliness together. Thanks again for taking photos with me and I can’t wait to see you all again.