Ben B. | Webster Arboretum
Earlier this year, my mom mentioned a fundraiser my high school was doing for the music booster club. I thought it was a nice idea to enter something this year so I gave a certificate to who ever the lucky winner was for my "basket" (mine was just an envelope and some business cards). A couple months later my winner reached out to me asking about what she could do and that she had a high school senior that coming year! Ben is such an amazing guy and a major lover of baseball and coaching. I loved that his sister and mom came along to make the session even better. Not all my seniors decide to take pictures of the sport they play, but in this case it wasn't just a sport for this family. It took up a major part of their life and was more of a passion than an activity. I had a great time with all three of you and Amanda, I hope to see you when you are a senior!!!